Account exempt from Garnishment/Unsecured

Declaration of your bank account as unsecured in case of public debts. Independent Authority of Public Revenue can not proceed with the seizure of specific amounts of money and allowances.

The unseized amount is 1,250.00 euro and emerges from the total unseized amount of 1,000.00 euros plus 50% of the next 500.00 euros. The amount of 1,250.00 euros is unsecured in a single bank account, which must have been declared to TAXIS as the only unseized bank account.
Unsecured benefits/Bonuses are:
- The social solidarity income (KEA).
- The social dividend.
- The OAED (Greek initials which stand for: Labor Employment Organization) unemployment benefit.
- The nutrition of a minor child.
- The rent subsidy.
- The privileged allowances.
- The 13th pension allowance.
- The heating allowance.
- The education allowance for the unemployed.
- The cash prizes of the lottery of the Ministry of Finance.
- The benefits to the insured of ELGA (Hellenic Organization of Agricultural Compensations).
- Τα χρηματικά βοηθήματα που δίδονται με απόφαση δημοτικού συμβουλίου.
- The benefits to the insured of ELGA (Hellenic Organization of Agricultural Compensations).
- The deposit for bidding at auction.
- The deposit for repayment of an insurance fund debt.